Sunday, January 31, 2010

Recent Revolutions

In the recent revolutions in morocco many things have developed. Such as technology, transportation, and economy.the R&D is yet a national proporty in Morocco this should be a key for development. The indistries are dominant by the public center. Education qualifications of morocco has increased significantly since the 1990's. The moroccan program from 2000-2004 has the proporty lines for research. the objective of this 5 year plan is to inline science and technology with a social and economical development, such as agriculture,drinking water, energy, telecommunication, and transport.
In 2005 morocco started technopolis in Rabat providing facilities for hightech companies and college to promote R&D and to create jobs. Many ofshoring and technopolis have been established in different parts of morocco.
In 2009 Morocco has announced a new scientific research S&R, and scientific infastructure giving univercities more power as part of the national emergency support system through 2009-2012. The moroccan government has targeted accited 92% of its universities by 2012. One of the goals for 2012 is to get universities throughout morocco fully equiped with infastructure and hightech technology and scientific research and development.

Dams where built to have water produce energy and purify them. also communication systems where istablished such as maroc telecom. Many channels where opened in television so more people know about the outside world or of its country. A new way for people to communicate through morocco. Many new ways in improving the way of life in this country are always thought of b scientist. A new green program is going to be developed in morocco to use renewable sources as energy. It will not only be helpful to the country but will help reduce pollution.
To conclude morocco started the privatization of public company such as maroc telecom, meditel, and wana.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


During class we talked on how conflict can lead to change and the things needed for a healthy sociaty. We all said that education should be mandatory because if any country wants to a have a healthy and wealty country education is the way. People who are educated will help get its country develop economicly by foriegn affairs. And the best way to lead to change is delibretly which is to do the best but also take our time, and once we thought of what to do we have to do it quickly. And in most countries thier isnt alot of job oppurtunities so people mostl turn towards crime and theft, so thier must be a job even for people at the bottom of the social class.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

6 days under rubble

A women that was 21 years old and was traped under her univercity for 6 days. Her sister would come everyday to the site to see if she heard her voice. When the search team took off enough rubble the women was able to send a message and the people helped her go out of the rubble. Many orphans where sent to the U.S because of the way they lived in. the orphanage had no food and their were bugs everywhere and babies didnt have milk so they would feed them waer with powdered milk.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Successes and Failures of Reconstruction

Even tough the war is over south still had poblems while the north had a high economy.
all the souths farms and cities were destroyed because most battles were fought in the south. Many families had to face poverty. One thing that the south was introduced to was the system of mandatory education. While the south was slowly growing te now was very rich.